Monday, December 29, 2008

100 examples of bias against men (version 8.15)

A Hundred Examples of Bias against Men

(older version 8.15)
(toned down--family Friendly)
(the finished version of this article is now posted on our website)

Case of Reasoning
(we're still working on the Picture errors. Broken Link)

Media Bias is a constant presence in our lives. Every facet of Journalism targets against men.

Society believes that every child belongs with its mother. So, regardless of the legal aspect, her role is considered more important. While his remains secondary. This same rule applies even when a man loses his spouse. People believe that a child needs a female guardian, rather than an actual father.

In legal terms: Men are the victims of a Family-Court system which automatically gives full parental custody to the woman. This sometimes involves cases where relatives seek guardianship, and challenge the biological father.

5) In terms of pregnancy: a man has no right whatsoever to decide the fate of his unborn child.

Dogma says that women are more ‘clever’ than men.

Most people accept the idea of ‘woman’s intuition’.

Men are severely insulted on a routine basis. But if women ever faced even the slightest criticism, there would be public outrage.

Even though people are kind toward women, they still act as though she’s negatively stereotyped. These conflicting ideas make little sense. However, it indicates your extreme devotion for her.

10) It is socially unacceptable for a man to become actively involved for his ideals and causes. Basically, this would be considered unusual behavior.

the picture is a broken link. We'll fix the problems soon !!!

Most men have very little interest in defending their rights. Thus, he never challenges any wrong doing.

It’s so claimed that women are more complex than men. And they have deeper emotions. Now, please read the next remark. This will call everything above to question.

Female journalists actually taunt men because her life-span is said-to-be longer than that of a man.

People think it’s okay to make fun of the male anatomy. Most dirty jokes are demeaning to men.

15)MEGA) If any man dares to express his concerns, people will immediately try to stop him. In other words: he’s not allowed to speak-out. Most women become angered whenever he attempts to raise an issue. (I could list countless examples)

Men are constantly overshadowed by Artistic Imagery, Logos, Slogans, & Bold-Print which is designed to demoralize his esteem.

There are no Activists representing men. Parents must recognize a need to create this type of hero for boys. …If, for no other reason, Men’s organizations could serve as “inspiration” for the male youth.

Everyone tends to see things from the woman’s perspective. Basically, she’s always considered to be “right”.

It’s impolite for a man to argue with a woman. Thus, he’s always expected to agree with her ideas.

20)Women are always taken seriously. When she speaks-out, people always listen.

Women are taught to enjoy their employment. She’s encouraged to become an over-achiever. But, in any case, it makes everyday life easier for her.

Women are said to be uniquely gifted. This includes possessing extra-sensory perception. …As well as other paranormal abilities. Ironically, spiritual non-believers never ridicule women for this.

Whenever a woman states her opinions, people always agree with her. While in contrast, they’ll tend to disagree with everything said by a man.

Society is more supportive and helpful toward women.

25) They are more concerned with her daily troubles everyday situation.

Dogma which says that ‘girls grow up much faster than boys”. Not only is this a sexist remark, but ironically, it’s also immature and childish on her part.

For decades, Activists have declared that males are intellectually inferior. This results from studies performed by ‘left winged’ extremists. It contradicts their own supposed ideals which denounce all forms of prejudice. Plus, it also conflicts their claims which assert that women are victims of unfair-stereotyping. Ironically, the studies in question were centered upon academic fields where women tend to excel. There was no comparison relating to mechanical abilities, and what-have-you. Plus amazingly, men performed about-equally in these grammatical contests. So, the issue self-defeats before it even begins. Ironically, men would show no interest to perform similar studies. …Even if they resulted in his favor.

Obviously, whatever the issue, there’s no way he can possibly win. It doesn’t matter which direction you choose.

Regardless of the studies performed, they always reach results which are favorable to the woman. Whether claiming that she’s mistreated by society, or that women possess special abilities. In any case, all socio & scientific research works distinctly to her advantage.

Some 85% of the worlds homeless are males. This is unfair. But, most organizations only give assistance to poor women. No one is concerned for his well-being.

30) Advertisements and television commercials appeal toward a female audience. Needless to say, many Ads become downright offensive and crude toward men. This is certainly not surprising.

People always takes sides with the woman. Thus, anytime there’s a disagreement between a male and female, she’s given the final say.

People unconditionally love their mothers. This is why abandoned children search desperately for the very same woman who rejected them. Ironically, children from broken families bear resentment against the father.

Whenever a relationship fails, people believe the husband was totally at-fault.

Women sometimes walk into Men’s bathrooms, etc.. And society thinks there’s nothing wrong with it. However, I certainly believe otherwise. Also, mothers are generally unconcerned for the privacy of her sons.

35) Dogma says that men are obsessed with their sexual desires. But, in any case, it’s really none of anyone’s business, anyhow.

Years ago, the media often said: The Male brain is primitive.

Journalists also contradict their own notions by claiming that women became human 40,000 years before men. Or sometimes, they say, women are 700,000 years older. Just like every other statistic, it depends upon the source. Ironically, you never identify her as being primitive. Plus, artifacts, tools and language suggest that such Feminized theories are wrong.

A man is required to become married, in order to have any legal voice for his child. The courts never recognize his position if he’s a common-law partner. I believe: every man should have equal parental custody, regardless of his relationship to the mother. For example: let’s suppose He produces a child through a casual relationship or with a total stranger. Genetic testing should identify him as the father. Thus, he should be given Equal Rights to that child. This would prevent any woman from concealing his identity.

Here are a few unusual facts regarding the issue of “Financial Support: When any mother places her child in an “Orphanage” or “Home”, she is not required to pay weekly fees, of any kind. Plus, when a child is adopted, the Father is required to give support to the adoptive parents. But, there are no such demands made from the biological mother. There are also cases where a troubled woman surrenders custody to the child’s father. Although, she was initially receiving support, the Father does NOT require her to give payments.

40) The divorce courts give all property rights, appliances, furniture, automobiles, and what-have-you to the woman. One primary reason for this is because she receives parental custody. And the courts decide that it’s to the child’s best interest to grow-up into a healthy environment.

MEGA MEGA) Throughout the media, there’s ALWAYS somebody telling men what to do, and how to think. Journalists and writers are always putting-men-down. There’s no reason to give several million examples, in order to prove this point. And they will continue targeting against him.

A woman can pretty much take any degree of Legal action against men. For example: during a domestic dispute, she could literally beat-her-husband, and to then, demand his arrest. Our police officers comply because they’re fearful a possible media-frenzy. (Disclaimer: very few women exercise this power, but, she’s still given the option.)

There are many laws which specifically privilege women. Government financing is given toward Women’s Medical Centers, Business Grants, Shelters, funding for Women’s research, as well as, Women’s Studies. WIC programs (Women, infants, and children) were initially declared discriminatory. But, the law was eventually passed, as well. Many politicians will re-introduce proposals, over and over again, until they succeed.

New laws are constantly being made which focus upon her interests.

45) It’s become difficult for male students to attend classes, which are now controlled by Lobbyists. Our high-school Text-books have come to resemble a mere Woman’s Magazine. This literature offers encouragement and support for Girls. The theme happens to be typical of everything else. Women’s Groups have certainly infiltrated our Universities, as well.

Society always gives special interest toward girls, even in the most unlikely circumstances. Everything has been tarnished by the presence-of-Extremism. For example: Film review, consumer products, Vacation & Travel, The Olympic events, Wimbledon Tennis Tournament, Nature & Wildlife Documentaries, etc. Today’s Journalists tend to be obsessive in their desires to focus upon women. And this dogma enters the most unusual places. ****Therefore, Men are never safe from this onslaught. He could be watching a television program regarding any possible subject, and suddenly be faced against this type of special interest.

There are many reasons why Men don’t have the right to speak out. One such example is because people consider him to be ‘a complainer’, or ‘a cry baby’. Another reason is when everyone thinks he’s ‘silly’ or ‘childish’. (Example: I once stated that ‘men are the victims of constant insults by the media’. This remark caused people to chuckle and mock the whole idea. Maybe, it sounds like a joke, but my claims happen to be true.) Meanwhile, a woman is never mocked, no matter how ridiculous her ideas may seem. This brief paragraph can be applied to our daily conversations.

Society believes that ‘Women are God’s-Gift-to-men’. And he’s considered to be a total ‘loser’, whenever he’s not in a relationship. In contrast, Girls are taught to be proud, if she’s able to refrain from relationships.

50) Married women often go dining on Friday evenings. Yet, the husbands are not invited.

Women also have health-spas, retreats & getaways, organizations, and what-have-you.

Girls are encouraged to establish friendships amongst one another. No such campaigns exist for boys.

It’s common to see areas which are designed for Women only. This is present on cruise-ships, buses, trains, office buildings, CLASSROOMS, seminars, and anything else you can possibly name.

Society never criticizes her ethical decisions. So, if Militant Femmes teach adolescent girls to formulate homosexual groups, this idiocy goes left unnoticed and unchallenged by the public. Worse yet, this is also being Forced upon her. But, these are just few of countless examples. I could list several thousand quotations which fit similar description, or something entirely different. But either way, measures are never taken to prevent such wrongdoing.

55) There are wide scale media campaigns which claim that, men are incapable of thinking for themselves. And he must be trained to do so.

There are literally Millions of Journalists worldwide, who are spreading their personal ideas. This explains why the “Femme” propaganda is popular in all corners of the globe. I believe that such unprofessional ethics should be grounds for immediate dismissal. On similar terms, anyone who posts femme literature during employment should also be terminated as well. The problem is: my idea is too radical for people to accept. If my goals were enforced properly: the daily standard of acceptance would drastically change, overnight. The problem has become so ramped because it’s being encouraged by the media at large.

Boys are raised into an unhealthy environment. There needn’t be any insults or issues to mention. Virtually all forms of inequality against men are Intangible. Therefore, it’s nearly impossible to discuss these matters. Here’s just one idea: Males are overshadowed by “Visual Imagery & Artwork”. As well as “Anthems”, “Themes”, “Girl Power”, “special interest” and anything else you can name.

Men are taught to respect women, even though he already treats her with kindness and gentility. But it raises a serious issue. People merely dictate these themes for the mere sake of ‘giving orders’. It seems, everyday, there’s a reasonable idea being forced upon us. In contrast, girls are never being suppressed with a nagging theme. Now, let’s return to the 1st sentence of this paragraph. (The issue of ‘respect’) This is one such theme which girls are NOT required to comply with. In other words: people never teach her to respect boys, or that she should become a better listener.

There are powerful words which can always be used at her disposal. When Males debate with females, she’s given the opportunity to call him “sexist”, or what-have-you. Please don’t underestimate the importance of these advantages. This dogma proves to be a valuable weapon for arguments sake.

60) MEGA) Women commonly ‘gang up’ against a singular male. It usually pertains to a disagreement between partners. But, this same rule applies when Mothers teach their children to dislike the ex-husband. Not to mention: she uses relatives/family/friends against him, as well.

People consider the woman to be more ‘correct’ in their thinking. This allows everyone to become ‘supportive and helpful’ [Specifically] toward her. In other words: Sentence #1 allows for sentence #2. In fact, EVERYTHING figures her way. This is not mere favoritism. Sadly, beyond all else, it’s always a ‘justified’ offense. Ultimately, this dogma effectively silences men.

On various websites, such as Friendster: I was able to locate several dozen Women’s Groups, yet not One single Men’s group. This holds true throughout the internet. Women’s Forums often consist of several thousand members. …Whereas, Men’s forums only have a few members.

During my youth, there were countless Organizations which represented women. Until finally, a few Men’s Groups also came into existence. The message here is clear: there is little hope which inspires him.

When the World Wide Web came to existence, nearly every homepage had a category dedicated to women. For example: the very first time I dialed to the internet, there was a Woman’s site waiting for me. And every service-provider followed this format.

65) The number of Women’s websites became immediately alarming. In the 1990’s, there were tens of thousands of websites dedicated just for women. Yet, only a ½ dozen were devoted toward men. And, even they were questionable.

In the 1980’s, the Woman’s television Network was introduced. In 2007, an attempt was made to create an entire chain of Radio Stations, just for Women. Luckily, this attempt failed. However, there are many NEWS broadcasts which are now exclusive to women. The content does NOT pertain to anything relating to her. But, instead, these News Programs give general information relating to daily topics, such as Natural Disasters, The Weather Report, or anything else which is important. So, in other words, he’s being completely shut-out from these valuable current events. On a similar note: men are alienated from the mainstream news media, as well. Basically, our most trusted News Anchors also give periodic attention to women. ++++Thus, a male viewer must always be weary. ++++ He never truly knows when the Activists will strike next. SO, as a result, many men choose to discard the News-industry. But, he’s ALSO being denied access to the entire spectrum of information. (examples: News about possible upcoming storms or bad weather, or, Stories regarding important Health Matters, Financial advice, etc. etc.)

the underlying goal of Femme Groups is to abuse men as much as possible. They’re always tormenting guys in-any-way conceivable. So, there’s no specific reason here. It’s a generalized assault which targets against men. Yet, with all considered, our most trusted Journalists also willingly comply.

We all live in a technographic world of surrealism. And the media’s goal is to distort our basic understanding of life. MOST people place more trust in this medium than anything else. So, if your personal observations reach one distinct conclusion, while the media teaches you otherwise, people will tend to accept their opinions over your own. IN OTHER WORDS: you’ll actually believe their version of things, instead of trusting your own eyes. In other words: the media does not allow you to derive your own conclusions. But instead, they provide them for you.

A woman can contradict herself countless times. Most observers fail to notice. But, in any case, she would be allowed leniency under any circumstance.

70) People regard her opinions as a basic standard which must always be followed in full agreement. In other words: I’m always expected to agree with her. Plus, she’s always considered to be right, anyway.

People are generally more sympathetic toward her. They care more about her everyday troubles. ….Which all leads toward “emotional attachment”.

Female relatives are considered more vital to the family unit. It’s not specific to maternal needs, or parenthood. This idea also pertains to sisters, aunts, and what-have-you. They’re considered to be the force which drives our society. This belief is just plain Wrong and Unfair. In short: she's revered as ‘the backbone’ of humanity.

Men generally treat women with tremendous respect. It might even be considered “Special treatment”. On the other hand, women show no extra-kindness toward the opposite sex. It’s actually common for a woman to treat her boyfriend with LESS respect than anyone else. For example: she seems to be a really nice person to her friends. While, in contrast, the boyfriend is the only person she ever mistreats.

(In terms of parental stereotyping): …It’s usually claimed, the male is solely interested in seeking custody to “avoid payments”. This claim has no validity. (plus, the remark inadvertently proves that it’s more profitable to receive weekly support, than to share custody.) Aside from financial matters, our courts simply believe ‘maternal-custody’ is to the Child’s best-interest. This attitude should not be acceptable by our current social standards. People nowadays claim that it’s wrong-to-judge. But, they do just that. It’s not your position to decide justifiable legal imbalance.

My word vs. hers

A woman can act severely harsh toward her spouse. And nobody ever thinks it’s wrong. (Meanwhile, we would not tolerate men who commit any degree of abuse. Such individuals are even loathed by Men’s groups. We do not support of condone this behavior. However, one fact must be understood: ---an abusive husband tends to have a nasty disposition, anyway. Thus, he’s not actually targeting his cruelty toward her. This type of man tends to be unfriendly toward everyone, not just his spouse.

75) Women often try proving that they don’t need men. And she could ‘get by’ without him. (In fact, she’s always trying to make a point, for some reason or another). …Whereas, men never feel the need to push these ideas. He is taught to accept his feelings and desires for women. Society teaches women to fight those impulses and to deny their need for companionship. In simple terms: she tries to belittle him.

Women always discuss personal matters with their friends. This gives an enormous advantage to her. Plus, her boyfriend is placed into vulnerable position. It’s the “2 vs. 1” method. (This doesn’t necessarily mean she’s ‘ganging up’ against him. That’s an entirely separate issue, altogether). Ironically, people regard her as “complex”, just because she discusses things with everyone.

Testicular abuse is another issue. Hollywood movies depict this type of sexual pain. And the public sees great humor. Ironically, a person would feel more pain if they were stricken in the neck or teeth. But, the groin happens to be a sexual organ. Thus explaining why Hollywood has chosen this specific body part to be the subject of ridicule.

In the dating world, women pretend to be disinterested in the opposite sex. Plus, they deny even thinking-about-him. Or, holding him dearly in her fantasies. (footnote: this is NOT a silly issue).

Here’s a basic fact: ---Each time women are given a minimal advantage, she would be VERY unhappy if the situation was reversed. Plus, she also becomes angry when even the slightest attention is directed toward Men’s issues.

For some unknown reason, women aren’t happy unless they can claim that everything’s against them. And naturally, we blindly accept whatever she decides upon.

80) Women try to fight their desires for men. She often brags to others And proudly claims, She’s not the least bit physically attracted to men. And she wants the whole-entire-world to know about it.

In the dating world: men are 2nd class citizens in a major way. You can visit any dating agency, such as, or, and this fact becomes evident. Simply read through thousands of Ladies profiles, and most-of-them are rude, nasty, and unfriendly. I speculate that a near majority of profiles fit this negative description. While in contrast, you could also read through several thousand Men’s profiles. And his presentations are consistently Nice and friendly. It’s truly unbelievable to see this type of imbalance. Plus, I haven’t even included the typical demands which are made by women.

Even the kindest woman sets unrealistic standards when seeking her soul mate. He must meet a minimal height requirement, and have an athletic build, high earnings, etc. etc. Ironically, a woman expects him to be understanding of her problems. Thus, if she’s very heavy, or, she’s living in a small apartment, or, there’s been a severe medical issue, or whatever the case. The man is expected to accept her flaws.

Each and every day, Women’s Groups give themselves more reasons to do whatever it is, which they’re doing. So, their continued dictations will persist.

Regardless of the situation, women have always got The Media, Activists, Friends, & Society, showing their support. And there’s an element of inspiration, encouragement, and pure momentum to back her every feeling. In other words, she has the total advantage over everything !!!

I could employ an army of writers (on a full-time basis) to address the problem. Afterall, there are literally several hundred thousand oppressive Feminazi’s who spend their entire lives abusing men, with endless pages of literature. You should read some of the horrible things they’ve said TODAY. Not to mention, yesterday, and last week, as well as the year before. Etc. etc. etc. Different publications are launched simultaneously, as well as other venues. Please trust my WORD. These women’s groups are massively abusive. They’re designed to launch a wave of destruction against men. (For your information, those hundreds of Talk-Shows clearly demonstrate the ruthless nature of these Women’s Groups. The entire Magazine spectrum proves even more obsessive on their part.

Thus, I cannot possibly list the billions of examples which I’ve personally encountered during the course of my lifetime.

85) THE GRAND FINALE. ---Women are often revered as Goddesses. Her status in society is clearly fantastic. It’s perfectly okay to express these positive ideas toward her. But, nonetheless, her position is favorable. She is clearly looked upon with the highest regard.

Okay, he treats her wonderfully. That’s great. So, why does she try desperately to prove otherwise?

Mens Equal Rights Association.     ( The Cryptic Logo ).   Entitled-- Project Liberation M.E.R.A.


There are countless examples of injustice. HOWEVER, even if there were very few solid Men's issues, it would make little difference. Whether he's the victim of constant stereotyping, or, occasional bias; the situation remains every-bit as severe, nonetheless. Basically, there's an overall unpleasant "atmosphere" which cannot be measured by superficial words. Nor, do they reflect any specific issue. We're being suppressed by Undertones, which constantly push against us.

There's also one point worth mentioning. Beyond the political and literary spectrum, society gives a special standing for the role of womanhood.

Within everyday traditional society, there exists countless 'intangible' privileges for her. It's truly a gift. We are not necessary opposed to the idea. Nor, do we condemn her cherished feminine status. Therefore, Men's Groups generally do NOT discuss such trivial matters. Thus, It should remain separate from any "Neo-political" issues described herein. Yet, still be recognized, nonetheless. My purpose is the dispel any notions which claim she's unfairly stereotypes. Such accusations happened to be false. And, most importantly, the "Activists" no longer have justification to "CRUSH" their oppressors.

Aside from the issues, there's also the "100 Vs. 1" factor. Whenever there's a discussion, people usually "gang up" against the man.

On a broader scale:
The media has thoroughly saturated all sectors of the media with politics.
It has completely diminished the overall quality of our lives.


For the Finished version of this article,, page 1, Case of Reasoning